Stillmeadows proudly hosts 3 CHSA shows every year. We look forward to seeing everyone at our shows this year.


2024 Show Dates:

Thanks to those who have showed at our first two shows this year!

April 6th – Zach Parks

June 8th – TBD

September 7th – Carla Francis

Entry Fees:

Entry Fees: $60 per Division

$30 per Individual Class

$30 for CHSA/VHSA Equitation Classes

$35 for VHSA Medals

$10 post entry fee – pre-entries close Wednesday prior to show

$40 per stall – Limited Availability

$5 Office Fee

$25 Schooling Fee (Friday only)

$40 Stillmeadows Classic

**Pre Entries must be e-mailed or sent online and include a copy of your Coggins or post entry fee will apply. This show is open to all competitors. It is a member show of the CHSA and a VHSA Associate Show. The show will be run in accordance with the VHSA rules with the exception of fence heights. Six ribbons will be awarded in each class. A championship and reserve ribbon will be awarded in each division. A horse or pony must have shown in at least one fences class to be eligible for the under saddle class of that division. A negative Coggins test is required for all horses and ponies on the show grounds. ​All exhibitors must wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmets at all times when mounted. ​Junior riders must be supervised by an adult at all times. All owners and riders must sign a waiver of liability stating that Stillmeadows Farm will not be responsible for any accident loss or damage. An adult must sign for all juniors. Show Manager reserves the right to refuse entry, to change the schedule, to combine classes and to change the judge at any time. **All over fences rounds must be concluded with a circle at the trot to demonstrate soundness in lieu of a jog.**

Classic Winners 2023

5/20/23 – Quidam de Vido/Ivy Cole

6/10/23 – Unforgotten/Caroline Day

Best Turned Out 2023

5/20/23 – Money in the Bank & MTM Mini Cooper

6/10/23 – Angelica Pickles & Dash Big Cat